Originally Posted By: King Brown
Aren't decisions based on emotions, craig? Americans voted for change, with poisonous consequences for the future. The country's split along the racial, rural-urban divide as it's ever been. Americans chose between the most-disliked candidates in history, a greedy woman who would have continued manipulation of the electorate for the Establishment, and a vile man who promised an end to cozy Washington, wreck it absolutely and start again.

Trump, Obama, Bush were the people's choice for all that, and exit polls reveal that millions held their noses with Trump, evangelicals surprisingly to me. I've been on this forum long enough to know members would have preferred as president someone not accused of sexual assault of 12 women, fined $300,000 for using "illegals" to build Trump Tower, cited for discrimination against people of colour, facing tax fraud charges in Mexico, made derogatory comments about women, Mexicans, Muslims, first candidate in 40 years to refuse to release his income tax returns, and creatively lost $918,000,000 in 1995 to avoid paying taxes for nearly 20 years.

No member of this forum would have chosen Trump if their electoral system had provided a responsible alternative. All have my sympathy.

What a bunch of "Butthurt Pap". Obama has divided America along racial lines, all according to Soviet doctrine. The dislike of Trump only started after Trump won the nomination and the psychopolitical demonization machine started in on him. You're pushing another mythological narrative, bleating along with the millions of other statist religious dupes. How many times has Trump been accused and charged with assault before the election? It's amazing that sociopathic zealots like you actually think you can influence anyone. I mean besides your fellow religious dupes, minions, and useful idiots. People chose Trump because of the issues, not because of all your sociopathic nincompoopery.

Last edited by Ken61; 11/13/16 09:20 AM.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.