Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Originally Posted By: keith
Fortunately for us Jagermeister, you are typically 100% wrong in your predictions and your assessments. Who did you say would win this election?

Hey Jagermeister, instead of making a fool of yourself again, why don't you help your anti-2nd Amendment pal King, and find some Trump quotes to support the crap he posted here about promises Trum supposedly made concerning Judicial nominations. Oh wait, I know... you can't do that because your buddy King was lying to us once again.

I gave 70% chance to HRC and 30% to DJT just like many experts, so called. President Trump is life long Democrat from NYC. Frankly I'm not worried what he will do. The reality will kick in soon and I suspect many will not like what they got.

So, like so much of the MSM, you just acknowledge how wrong you were about what was going on in the election and in the same breath you have the stones, the hubris to lecture us about what Trump is going or not going to do.

What does it take to get you idiots to accept you have been wrong and your prognostications are as valuable as my shit?

Edit to add: Sorry for being rude but this stuff defies belief.

Last edited by canvasback; 11/11/16 09:18 AM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia