Originally Posted By: canvasback
GT1900, While I stand by what I wrote, I think the real issue is not that the GOP is in trouble, as you are suggesting, but that both parties, as representatives of the Washington elite status quo, are in trouble.

That's why the ultimate Democratic outsider, Bernie Saunders, nearly beat the ultimate insider, Hillary Clinton, who had the entire backing of the DNC, in the primaries.

It is why Trump beat all comers in the Republican primaries despite being written off as a joke at every turn and why Trump beat the strongest political machine, the Clintons, in history, in the general election.

Both parties, as they have been constituted, for the last 60 years, are in trouble. They both need to do a much better job of listening to and representing their constituents.

Until the GOP can win the popular vote by a landslide and truely represent what most Americans want, I will worry. Until then I will bird hunt public land in the west with my doubles and bird dogs and wonder how long I have before it's taken away. While I believe the results of the election to be a good thing, I worry about my public land being taken away by the far right. Luckily Trump has agreed that Federal land should stay Federal land.