Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: King Brown
James, is it so easy? Littering in public places isn't acceptable but okay if you choose not to see it? The poison Franc and others object to pokes into more than this post. You and I, with the majority here, have different opinions but don't get into personal attacks as The Fringe does.

King, I understand your point but I think it's wrong-headed. This is not a public place. It is a private place where one can be selective about what one chooses to expose oneself to. I get a newbie stumbling into a spot he's rather not be, but not most of the 200 most active members here. We all know what's what.

And much as I admire and respect Rev Doc Drew for both his contribution to relieve mankind's suffering and increasing our knowledge of Damascus, I believe in this thread he knew exactly what he was doing and knew that he was taking an oblique, no actually a rather direct, swipe at those he doesn't care for. He was aiming for a parting shot in the first post. So predictable stuff happens.

And I'm completely fine with people expressing their opinion. So I have no problem whatsoever with Rev Doc Drew's OP. It's the others complaining about being forced to be exposed to this I have little time for. No one is forced to read it. You could see it coming a mile away. Don't like it. Don't read it.

But as Keith regularly points out, with 5000 some odd views, this kind of thread seems to attract people.

I just wanted to add that I agree with your assessment of Hause's motives in kicking off this string of vitriol. That's fine if that's the way he feels about me and others here. But it also clearly shows the type of individual he is by starting a thread disparaging forum members and then leaving for a considerable amount of time. I guess he's a true believer in H. Truman's statement that: "If you can't stand the heat get the Hell out of the kitchen".
The sad thing to me is he now has created animosity between members where I don't think there was in the past.

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