Ive had the pleasure of hunting with Drew several times, hes a good man and a good friend. So as not to hide behind a pseudo name its Steve Thornhill. If someone wants to try to rob me by looking up my address, good luck. My legal domicile is a postal lockbox! As far as where I actually live, with an RV thatd be wherever Im parked. FWIW Rockdoc came from a humorous experience years ago. I was at the door of a dinner meeting collecting participants money for the dinner and two drop-dead beautiful babes came up looking for another meeting hall. When I told them that this was the Houston Geological Society and they were welcome to join us, one turned to the other and said Rockdocs! and then they both said Oooo, ick! turned and walked away. It was too bad because I never got a chance to tell them that the meeting hall they were looking for was right next to ours.


Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)