Drew; You are a stand up man. I'm sick of all the political Bologna too. I'm a right wing republican, but I have friends, and shooting friends, hunting friends that are democrats. I don't often agree with them, but I do listen to and consider their opinions. A closed minded person will never listen to the other guy......well, they are entitled to their views, just like everyone else. I agree with them sometimes, but not often. The real question......is this forum a place for political discourse/intercourse?? It likely is especially in a very volatile election time, but the personal attacks here diminish the place in a grand sort of way (and as will be pointed out, sadly I have participated, for example a pissing match with Ted....but it was awhile ago). Many people have left, Diggory Hadoke, for example, albeit quietly. I think he is just not interested in all the personal attacks and the political crap that permeates here. That is so sad, because Dig, like yourself is very learned in terms of these guns. With this in mind, I wish you God Speed in your missionary pursuit and I'm sure you will give aid to those less fortunate than ALL of us here. I hope when you return we can count on you for more of your high level of knowledge on the double gun, the intent of this forum. Best, Buzz

Socialism is almost the worst.