A September Teal hunt in the deep South is an odd experience compared to the usual Winter outing. The lilly pads are all still green as well as the rest of the pond vegetation and there are no Coots down yet, only a few Gallinules. The Gators are not dormant this early and patrol just outside your decoys. No dogs of course!

Then a big drove of Bluewings comes over the pond and splits off into smaller groups which each in turn give your decoys a look, and usually plop right in among them. They're all LBDs (little brown ducks) of course this time of year, but they are certainly good eating if you work around the pinfeathers.

The only other ducks around will be Wood Ducks and Black Belly Tree Ducks down here. They are not included in the early teal season in GA though. The Black Bellies mostly migrate to Florida or somewhere before the regular season comes arrives in November. We have lots of them all Summer nowadays...Geo