Rifle events at the Vintage Gunners Cup in 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016

11 events to include:

Stalking rifle ( both single shots and double rifle
Black Powder/ BPE with gauge and bore guns ( single and double rifle) NEW
9.3 x 74R Classic. Side x Side rifle event NEW
Stopping rifle (new this year Single Shot Rifle) and double rifle
Super stopping. All new event single shot and double rifle
Cape Gun
Cost of events will be $50.00 with $30.00 for additional rifles and reentry
16 rifle shots for each event
Shooting distances: 25 - 45 yards
This could be the only shoot like this in the country, come out and bring your rifles, Drillings and capes and we will have fun
Targets will be game animals, Cape Buffalo, warthogs, big cats , etc.
All charging , fleeing, crossing or pop ups
This shoot is for hunting rifles, no scopes

Email me if you have questions