I just got a reply from this guy. Just from the way he talks you can see this guy knows and appreciates good workmanship and that he is very old school... He is obviously known in Suhl for a reason. From what he told me, he would like to see the gun himself to be 100% sure, but judging from the pictures I sent him, he said that it is close to impossible to repair the gun. He said, that obviously the de-weaponization was done in the most thorough way possible, the barrels have been welded with hard metal, the chambers were probably not only drilled, but also plugged with a steel rod going all the way through the barrel and welded, the percussion mechanism has been removed and welded on the inside. He said, that nowadays it is almost impossible to even buy the correct material to manufacture the springs (is it that special?). But he would need to see it to be 100% sure... I will do that as soon as possible, as he seems like a very knowledgeable man... And very courteous as well (You rarely meet some who ends his email with "Please accept the assurance of my highest consideration").

He recommended to buy another Drilling. He said, that he just came from Springers in Wiena and that there are lots of similar Drillings for auction and on the countryside, you can find them really cheap, as people often rid them because of the low performance of such caliber...

Oh well... I guess until he sees it and confirms the brutal de-weaponization, it will remain for the display only...