Very nice photo, Argo. Thanks for your service . . . in a war whose vets did not receive proper thanks for a very long time. And were often met with scorn when they came home. You're the guys who should have received handshakes, "thanks for your service", "let me buy you a beer or lunch", etc.

I went through Jungle Warfare School in Panama in 1969, courtesy of CIA paramilitary training. Loved those jungle fatigues! Interesting part was, we had jungle fatigues, jungle packs and hammocks etc . . . while an artillery battery on its way to Vietnam had none of those goodies. They wondered who we were, because our jungle fatigues were totally unmarked (not even US Army) and we wore a wide variety of headgear. As it turned out, the military was playing an increasingly large role in Vietnam back then, while earlier on it had been mostly a CIA/Special Operations war. I think only one of my classmates ended up in Vietnam.