Buzz, your complaint is a common one.
The idea of not posting the names of shooters has many elements to it, and has been a part of SxS shoots for as long as I've been going to them. Mid 90's.

I view it as a way to balance competition urges, and having fun playing with the toys urges, by the gun clubs.

Essenially, it's a way to help you come back next time.

The bigger the prizes, the greater the blood lust. And that is unseemly to the "for fun" participants.

And many of us are old. We can't hit squat. So, it saves us embarrassment too. For some, our lives are endless competitions, we would rather not have it seep into our leisure time as well.

Also, when I see the same guy win 2 out of 3 comps, I quit going.
If he's a member at that club, he's a ringer, and I know I had a less likely chance of winning a something. Why bother.
I don't go to be somebody's whipping boy.

All these kinds of things are balanced by clubs to sell tickets. And that's the whole purpose of them. To sell targets to as many people as the club can put through their courses. And of course, then to get a little from vendors that want to sell to the attendees.

I prefer to view SxS events as fundraisers for clubs that need nourishment. If I win something by accident, that's great. I'm not there to beat anyone. I'm there to help them survive.
And, play with my toys.

If I had to comp out a SxS to prove myself, I'd see that I had lost MY reasons for participating.

So, I appreciate the use of shooter numbers.
It's a sound compromise.

Out there doing it best I can.