I already gave you your answer. The anti-gunners are more worried about restricting access to certain firearms by law abiding U.S. citizens than they are about getting serious with radical Islamists and gangbangers who are actually causing serious problems in this country. King, Ed, and Jagermeister support that mentality.

If you go into Canada with an NRA decal on your truck, you will likely be profiled, and detained, and harassed, and thoroughly searched. But because of Liberal Left political correctness, we can't do that same type of profiling even though Rudy Guiliani's "Stop and Frisk" policies when he was Mayor of NYC were extremely effective in reducing violent crime. If we positively have to infringe upon someone's rights for the common good, shouldn't it be aimed at logical targets?

As far as Ed's earlier statement on gun rights, here's a small sample of what he has said on the subject:

Originally Posted By: ed good
as for the gun control issue...we are the only country in the world that seems to tolerate mass murder, in the name of an individual right...its about time that we as a society realize that we are over gunned with too many super dangerous weapons in the hands of too many super dangerous people... it is long past time to do as the rest of the civilized world has done and simply, disarm...

Originally Posted By: ed good
disarm...seems to work for the rest of the civilized world...

why not us?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.