Brent: My family owns four(4)low number 1903's; a typical Sedgley Sporter in 30/06 and a Sedgley cut/shortened action Mannlicher in 300 Savage [not marked but with written provenance to an employee's lunchbox gun, as it is identical to a standard Sedgley .22 Hornet Mannlicher except in caliber]. The other two are an Alvin Linden/Buck Dunton saddle rifle and a 1903 Classic Sporter by Fred Adolph. To answer your question, this is our take on the Low Number situation. The two Sedgleys, we would fire with no hesitation, having never heard of a reheat treated Sedgley letting go. The other two we would fire at a special hunt, such as a Primitive Bolt Hunt [no scope/iron sights] but -would not- fire hundreds of rounds through them. Having grown up in a gun family I am lucky [and I know it!] that we don't justify owning a rifle by shooting it, we can shoot plenty of others and still never use/hunt them all. We have been very blessed in this way. However I understand other people are not in this lucky situation and or actually want to shoot their rifle. I will leave it at this; being as honest as I can, we don't shoot ours regularly but I have stood at the range alongside people spotting who do, with no fear. I think your story is a service to all of us, who own low number 1903's or are thinking of buying one.

GOD Bless