Originally Posted By: Humpty Dumpty

From Igor Robertovich Karklinsh's research http://shotguncollector.com/2016/03/28/lebeau-courally-between-truth-and-fiction/ it follows that "August Lebeau, the greatest maker of Liege, maker to Emperors" was a myth created by Ferdinand Courally to promote his business. (It's not that August Lebeau never existed or was a bad gunmaker, but he was likely "one of", and not "the").

Boy that's one big Matzah ball. I'd for one would like to see that substantiated. Is there any genealogy and/or birth/death info for August Lebeau? I wonder if info on Webley - Lebeau - Courally might shed some light? Would be interesting to delve into.

Arquebusier Lebeau frères et Cie, fabricants d'armes à Liège - 1880. So apparently there were a couple Brothers Lebeau in the arms trade.

