A temperance man, indeed you jest, amigo mio. I'm a Mick Green Irisher-love my whiskey indeed. But Punkin Gin is not quite Pink Gin--we hollow out a nice round Pumpkin in early October, removing the seeds and pulp, fill it with any old brand of gin, re-seal the cut off top with candle wax, and store in a cool place out of the sun- open it up on Halloween, filter the liquid through a regular coffee filer, chill, serve in a tumbler over crushed ice and with a big chuck of fresh cut lime (guards against scurvy, matey) and sip and savor. As I mentioned limes and scurvy, and it is the All Hallows Even, is it not- here's a scurvy/sailor oriented joke -- Neighborhood spinster loves Trick or Treat- being unmarried and childless, she savors the once a year chance to chat up the costumed kids that come to her doorstep for treats- "Oh my, you're Little Bo Peep, aren't you, she might ask-- So when Davey Jones comes dressed as Blackbeard the pirate, she hands him a carmel apple and says-- "Well, shiver my timbers, you're a pirate, aren't you?"-- "That's right, Lady, I'm a real pirate-arrgh!"-- "Well, she replied, if you are a Pirate, tell me, where are your buccanners?" "They're under me Buckin' hat Lady", was the answer!! Prosit! RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..