Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Sixteen million people have health insurance who previously had none.If it costs them more than projected, most would rather have it than nothing.The myth that Obama care is a total failure is what keeps that 17% cheering for Trump. Soldier on.

I doubt you're willing, but how about discussing the 'success' of ocare?

You like numbers. How many tens of millions of citizens of the US remain without health insurance? How about 80% for a number. Isn't that the percentage on ocare that require subsidizing? Am I lying, and because I typed that am I a card carrying Tea partier?

You're wrong about 16 million were previously uninsured. Some of them, lemme guess, 20%, were rolled into it by their employer from some other previous plan. As a retiree, are you looking forward to the rate hike, or maybe you're one of the lucky ones that have something else figured out.

Run more numbers if you will. Sixteen million fakescribers in ocare. Wouldn't the nation come out way ahead if they just paid the monthly premium and never set up all the waste fraud and abuse of ocare?

Regardless of what King says, facts are that gruber told us the ocare was sold based on the 'stupidity of the American voter'. Was he talking about you? I wouldn't be surprised, but chances are King can't vote here, so you have to understand that he's a lobbyist.