Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Colin Powell's testimony was a separate piece of fudged intelligence. He went to the UN and presented what he was instructed to say. It was a piece of stupid nonsense, but he is a loyal military servant of the state following the orders he was given. The yellowcake scandal has to do with faulty intelligence that the CIA told Bush was nor reliable, but he chose to treat it as if it were. That is called fudging intelligence.

Thanks Bill, for ignoring my point. If you get a moment, do a quick scan through the transcripts of Powell's un testimony. It's about the iraqi failure to disarm. They could've meant rocks and spears if a case could've been made.

Isn't the yellowcake 'scandal' a dem talking point. Let me repeat for emphasis. The 'evidence' was from un inspectors, with a bunch of satellite and spy plane images from the US. Please explain why you confuse a un resolution with US policy at the time? Did the US deceive the left wing un and all the forty something other countries too?

I get it, you're an anti war pacifist. Bet you're voting for hill, eh. Ryan pointed out she's sort of the 'owner' of that disastrous quagmire of a libyan regime change. I am not defending policy, but I believe you're trying to peddle left wing talking points as fact.

See if King will help out here. The un did their thing, are you saying you didn't like the sales pitch? Don't politicians play the punks game, rightfully and knowingly so? How come bhusein or hill can't be trusted with any assurance other than the comfortable feeling that libs get?

Back to your yellowcake. Did Bush, Powell or any of their buddies take a scoop of the stuff, scatter it around some iraqi warehouse, and tell some un lackey, wink, wink, why don't you check over there? Did you know there is a huge war in the US at this very moment, on women? Did you know that all cops in the US are at war with all blacks, except Doc Carson, as we type? Where's the evidence, and why do you feel good about some wars and not others?