Originally Posted By: King Brown

The current premier of Alberta, a woman, is also leader of the provincial NDP party and Manitoba is often governed by the NDP. That's the prairies. Harper is a conservative aberration, beyond the pale for 70 per cent of Canadians.

King, King, King!

Harper was elected in 2011 to a majority by 39.5% of the voters.

Trudeau was elected in 2015 to a majority by 39.5% of the voters.

Please explain to me how this gives Trudeau any more legitimacy than the left accorded Harper. At the time of their election they were both opposed by 60% of the electorate. Trudeau is beyond the pale TODAY for 60% of voters. Does that mean he is a Westmount aberration?

Come on man, you are becoming a punk in your own "punks game"! Calculated misdirection and outright hypocrisy designed to sway the uninformed. King, please apply the same standards across the board. Accept, as I have, that some you win and some you lose. I never mind partisanship. It's hypocrisy I don't like.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia