Originally Posted By: King Brown

Voting left doesn't mean for gun control any more than my voting Liberal next week for the first time of my life means I support the Liberal Party.

It's the only option I have if my loyalty to Canada is more important than my loyalty to the party I favour.

Let's see.

Voting for a guy who has never accomplished anything in life, who is running based on his family name and being attractive (the hubris involved is staggering....where does he get off thinking he's qualified to run the country) and who, in the short time he has been in public life, has personally demonstrated all the behaviors he so vehemently criticizes Harper for (So you are going with a clear hypocrite).

And you think THAT is in service to your country?

King, at least vote for someone who may be misguided, but at least is a competent, serious guy. Vote for Mulcair!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia