Originally Posted By: King Brown
Some parties are better than others managing wide interests within their big tents. In-fighting is often more vicious than between parties. American animosities are celebrated and denigrated on the world stage because a superpower's fractious housekeeping is diminishing its ability and leadership....

What were you able to pick up on last evenings 'debate'. All the 'clear' winner was able able to signal to international observers was, she's the gal to push domestic entitlements to new highs, because she's a gal. She's not even elected yet and signalling a 'diminished ability and leadership'. I wonder who's continuing the short term vision, election time eh, cackle about the emails.

The only time the dems 'argued' a bit last night was when they disagreed about how much gun control would be just right. And a vote for the left doesn't bring along automatic ideological baggage? Clearly, if you vote left, you're for gun control, but in the interest of civility it'll be 'reasonable'.