Bill, doesn't really matter what Brooks calls himself. What I said is true. And were it a one off, just this time in just that column, than maybe I might be prepared to discount it. But in both our countries I see the left blaming the right for behaviors that are part of the left's core playbook.

I'm not talking about specific policies. I'm talking about behavior and I'm pointing out the hypocrisy.

We are having a federal election within a week in Canada. I have never seen anything like it in the last several months up here....the most vile criticisms of our current prime minister and the supporters of his party, regularly called fascists constantly by people who complain about the right "going negative". I'm not talking about some internet yahoos, I'm talking about the mainstream of people.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Last edited by canvasback; 10/13/15 09:58 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia