Equally important is those little "sins of omission" that Kingsley Brown often uses to dishonestly sway people.

Just look at the two versions of the interview between Todd and Walker that King Brown and Canvasback posted here just minutes apart in posts #421143 and #421144. Read both and tell me who you would trust, King or James. I'm going with James.

King's edited version was meant to make the reader think that Walker actually proposed erecting a wall on the U.S./Canadian border.

Once again, we see the same kind of dishonest crap from King. This is why I say that it is foolish to take ANYTHING he says at face value without confirming it from a good source. More often than not, he's lying, embellishing, or leaving things out. It all makes me wonder if he wasn't actually forced out of journalism for similar practices and permitted to retire with honor rather than leave a stain on an entire broadcast organization. King was the only person here to make excuses for Brian Williams' lies. Actions speak louder than words.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.