RyanF, do you think you are giving King Brown a teachable moment when you tell him how Trump has seen through the shopworn PC bullshit browbeating that has so many people fearing their own tongue?

King Brown has been a stable and reliable practitioner of all of that DNC Liberal Left strategy. How many times has he played the race card, the homophobia card, the misogyny card, etc.? Just look at the dishonest crap he posted recently to try to denigrate me when he had nothing of substance:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
His comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity comes off as homophobic and distinctly phallic!

Isn't that just precious? Here we have King Brown who has repeatedly shown homoerotic phallic fascination, and bobble-head nodding approval of all things homosexual, attempting to project his own sickness on to me. Wasn't it King who was so happy about Obama lighting the White House in rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage? Wasn't it King who can't stop thinking about Pope Francis' "Who am I to judge?" statement pertaining to queers?

Someone like Trump is King's worst nightmare. I'm not disagreeing with you Ryan. Just pointing out the futility of preaching to the Liberal Left PC Choir Director.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.