You don't get to dictate the tone or tempo here King Pinnochio. Especially when you are in such dishonest denial of your own words which I have already provided. You're not hawkering any loogies down my throat or getting away with running like a pussy and changing the subject. Before you get your next juicy King Brown anti-gun quotes, you will have to answer the reply I made to your lies you posted last night. You claimed, for example, that I lied when I said you supported anti-gunners... even after I provided your own words proclaiming your support for Obama... and your acknowledgement that he is indeed anti-gun.

You went on to lie when you claimed Obama has "kept his legislative gun in the holster." I provided much proof that he has not, from his speeches and exploitation of other shootings since Newtown to numerous Executive Orders implementing new gun controls. Everyone here knows he has not 'kept his legislative gun in its' holster". And everyone knows you support anti-gunners.But still you deny your own words.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

Go ahead, call it a lie again. You're only making yourself look like a pathetic loser. That brings a smile to my face.

You keep on denigrating the NRA and Wayne Lapierre... repeating that LaPierre's words after Newton diminished support for Gun Rights and the NRA. You cite obviously false data... your lie illustrated by the results of the 2014 mid-term elections when anti-gun Democrats got crucified at the polls.

Your lie is further illustrated by this...would you care to acknowledge this:

Or will you simply dance around it and ignore the truth? We all know the answer to that one King Pinnochio.

Once more, I want to revisit another totally false claim you made about me last night. I'm still waiting for you to show us where I made any homoerotic or homophobic references to swords or snakes. The only snake I have referred to is a lying snake named King Brown. I assure you I was not thinking of penises, but you certainly seem to have a phallic fixation. We all can see it is you who is fascinated with all things gay... including your Magic Negro Obama who bathed the White House in rainbow lights. And how many times now have you gushed about Pope Francis and his "Who am I to judge" statement about queers. Exactly what is your vested interest in clinging to that one line? Too bad you won't repeat and accept his stand on abortion with such fervor. Why are you so anxious to sweep this back into your closet, eh?

Proof please!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.