And you can always expect a liberal coward to cry "war monger" as an excuse to not place themselves in harm's way as they would rather lick the boots of a tyrant for their pathetic existence than take a stand and fight. There were those in colonial times who wanted to submit to England rather than resist..fortunately, there were more patriots who chose liberty over submission. Unfortunately for the boot-lickers, the Brits torched their homes and lands and made no distinction between the two.
Iran and ISIS will do exactly the same; they will make no distinction between an appeaser and one who resists.
What part of "Death to America" do the liberals not understand?
I will not mention the Muslim's second battle cry of "Death to Israel" as spineless liberals could care less about anyone except themselves.
The school bully will continue to take your lunch money and push you around until you kick his nads up under his jaw.
As an aside, Israel would have already bombed hell out of Iran's nuke facilities if anyone except the Muslim Brotherhood admirer was in the White House. I strongly suspect Kerry admonished Bibi that Obama would stand with Iran if that happened.