Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
....express myself on what I think is an important subject....
....P.S.: Oh and just to keep my post on topic with the thread, no I don't think King Brown is an Anti-gunner.

Geo, then I'll ask you to help me out on this one.

I believe you've read a ton of stuff here by King about what a pretty good to great President the current fellow is. I also couldn't help but notice your election comments up where we're not supposed to misfire.

I believe it's fairly safe to assume that you're not too impressed by the direction of the country on it's current path.

Seems to me like polar opposites of what King praises about the direction that the current fellow has taken the country. Among other directions, I believe he's taken the country in a deliberate anti gun direction, and would go farther if he could.

But, I may be mistaken, and there're many other worthy issues beyond gun control. If King could vote in the US, I suspect he'd vote the current guy in for a third term. Question, has King made a satisfactory case that the pres, who can control the agenda, is pro gun? His case does not seem to hold up in the romper room, but would you go to court with it?