Yeah, 117 F at about 14% humidity. We're used 100 F at 85% humidity. That's about a 119 Heat Index for you, and somewhere north of 150 Heat Index here. It ain't the heat bro', it's the humidity. Oh, yeah, and then there's the gnats.

Well, the humidity is low today, but this is the monsoon season and it will get worse. Was raining two weeks ago. At this time of year we usually get the edge of hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico. When that happens it can get nasty. Flash floods, washed out roads and bridges, power lines down. Three years ago, trucks were being washed off the highway sideways by the flooding. About six years ago, it was 118 on the opener and started pouring rain in the early afternoon, so 118 with 100% humidity and it did not cool things off much. Was still in the 90s at 4:00 the next morning and the fields were steaming. Rain came down so fast that a bunch of boats and trucks got stuck on the launch ramps at the Colorado River and had to be towed out, full of water. No gnats, but lots of mosquitoes with West Nile Virus. And if we find a harvested melon field there will be a bazillion biting flies. And rattlesnakes. I can hardly wait.