Another present for you Ford & it is not even close to Christmas:

C. Adam of Cln had zero to do with the construction of the sporting weapon as DIM opined; he merely placed an order with Luck in Suhl. Why reinvent the wheel when you can purchase all the wheels you can stand in Suhl. If you require info on Luck, I provided you with the combinations and permutations that have the highest probability of netting you some info. Take the phrases & search/chase with your favourite search engine like DuckDuckGo, Google, etc. which converts the text into binary or Boolean operators/ ones & zeros and scours the bowels of the internet. Beware though, all(ALL) search engines less DuckDuckGo collect data on what you search in an effort to profile you. I have some info on Luck but it will take a bit of time to ferret it out.

Also, you continue to question the Imperial Eagle with a script L. Look at the worn image with a glass & then compare it to a calligraphy L. If you can prove some other mechanic made it, please do. With the serialization, I'd hazard a guess Luck made in between 1888 & 1890.

Kind Regards,
