On a brighter note, sorry you folks have to face a death panel. Oh, I'm sorry not you, you get all the surgeries and xrays you could want. Is the panel of docs on standby to make decisions on elective surgery...No big deal dal, it sure reads like deflection when sometimes you're the victim, crusading hand in hand with the little guy, next you're an elite, invitation only for the private club. Lucky you.[/color]

Sorry...no death panel in Canada (well actually there is, obese smokers such as yourself are put to the back of the line, you know...why help someone who's killing themselves anyway), in the U.S...it's called checking for insurance. No insurance you die.
I have to sit in emerg, just like all the other plebes, so no elite status for me. No panel of doctors looking at my xray deciding how long I have to wait.

or do rural Canadians with critical medical emergencies have to wait for 'approval' for a life flight.
No we have some helicopters for that. They fly all the time. We also have major hospitals in rural areas...we spare no expense.
Its amazing how corrupt your hospitals are, my dad, who has a condo in florida, was feeling ill and faint, so his very lovely U.S friends called an ambulance. Once the hospital found out he had medical insurance, they billed him $27,000 for an overnight stay. Ahhh.pure capitalism isnt it wonderful. But I bet you think that is great news, and support the hospitals decision whole heartedlybecause thats just the kind of guy you are.
Im far from an elitist, I drive a Yaris. Im sorry you live in a trailer park, we dont have those where I live. For a million dollars, I couldnt show you where one is. I think youre so green with envy, its blinding you.

As for being gay, well, if being gay is me.and being straight is you.Id rather be gay then live your sorry life. Most of the gays I knowown their own business. What business do you own that bought you that hub cap?

Life is too short to have a 'hate on' for so many things or people. Isn't it?