geeze...I've had shoulder surgery, knee surgery. My wife's had knee surgery, my son a had surgery.....all included x-rays, MRI's etc.

How many dozens of surgeries does it take to reassign someones gender. Is that really caring, understanding and open mindedness?

not sure that's covered, as are nose jobs, breast reductions, facelifts....unless a panel of doctors ok's it.
you sure try hard to deflect from or avoid the topic. I hope your HMO is a true capitalist, and charges you an arm and a leg, literaly, should you need some surgery. Of course, private health coverage is perfect.

I drink from hand blown, Moser crystal BTW. Canadian Club (of course), Macallan, and Hennessy XO, usually touch the crystal.

Me thinks your jealous.


Life is too short to have a 'hate on' for so many things or people. Isn't it?