You young pup, Ken. You've rolled over on your back, four feet in the air. You've given up on your country, your fellow citizens. You're an anti-democratic aristocrat waiting for America to disintegrate socially and politically before something better can rise from the ashes.

"Disintegration of the Economy, massive societal disruption, and the attempt to install totalitarian rule. All of which is intended. As I said before, the "Zombie Apocalypse". Reminds me of a 19th century Swiss contrarian who detested Athenian democracy and glorified aristocracies.

"Every citizen could go up to the Pnyx to vote on the legislation of the day," complained Jacob Burkhart of the golden years of Athenian democracy. He said it led to corruption, mob rule by rabble and demagogues, as you do. The only difference is your notion of another governance resurrecting society after zombie rule.

Presumably all sophisticated, virtuous Americans who prefer wood, leather, waxed cotton and split bamboo.