One Liberal who calls himself a Centrist (dal) says we are draining into the abyss.

Another Liberal who says he has never voted Liberal )the big liar King Brown) says we are becoming more liberal and are better for it.

I'd agree with dal that we're draining into the abyss. But it isn't because of strict adherence to our Constitution.

craigd, you could get a definitive answer about atheism from King right now because he is obviously already brain dead. Look around you King. There's a 21 inch trout on the line for every cast, and you are the greatest civil rights activist, woodlot manager, and reporter who ever lived. You make award winning wine. You are surrounded by rich and powerful luminaries who seek out your wise counsel.

This must be Heaven, right? In fact, about the only thing missing from the Great King Brown's resume is him being the messiah. King is proof that mental patients are allowed access to computers in Canadian mental hospitals.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.