Nobody really tried to equate George Soros with Hitler & Company. Soros was a selfish little rat bastard Nazi collaborator who ratted out his own people. As a result of his actions, innocent people were sent to Death Camps where they were starved, brutalized, subjected to torture and human experimentation before being murdered.

Now Soros is a multi-billionaire who King Brown greatly admires because he is an extreme Left-Wing Liberal anti-gunner who uses a portion of his money to advance Liberal Left causes including Gun Control. Most other billionaires would be castigated by King for being greedy, selfish, and amassing that great wealth by screwing the poor minorities.

Jim had the OPINION that Soros deserved to be shot on sight. Jim is entitled to his OPINION... we still do have a right to free speech here. King Brown wrongly twisted Jim's words to say that Jim advocates murder. But Jim is a Conservative, so in King's mind, it is OK to twist Jim's words to discredit him. Thousands of Blacks and Black Leaders were recently seen on TV calling for the killing of white cops. None of them was charged with murder or attempted murder, or even being an accessory to murder after a black guy heeded their message and killed two NYC cops.

King Brown didn't have a word to say about any of that. King Brown is a low-life hypocritical fraud. You can tell a lot about a person by who they support, defend, admire, or vote for. Guys like King Brown, Ed Good, Jagermeister, etc, all defend and admire extreme Left Wing Anti-Gun Socialists like Soros, Obama, Bloomberg, Cuomo etc. They are all anti-gun trolls who do us harm and stab us in the back.

King, Ed and Jagermeister at least are fairly open about admitting they support anti-gun Liberals. Then you have guys like Ryan or Caitlyn SKB who do all they can to conceal their true affinities and affiliations... but none are smart enough to pull it off for very long. All of them despise me for frequently pointing this out, and I couldn't be happier to know that I piss them off. I would probably lose all interest in Misfires if I wasn't pissing off Libtards.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.