Originally Posted By: obsessed-with-doubles
"... current White House occupant will do everything in his power to destroy gun ownership ..."

Weren't the crazies saying he was going to do that in his first year in office?


Thanks for posting this Jim. Please don't pay attention to Obama supporters like Obsessed With Democrats and King Brown. This is the same kind of LULLING that King Brown attempted when he told us that our Gun Rights were not in jeopardy after a majority of the Senate voted to debate the proposed Obama/Biden gun restrictions after the Newtown shooting. King has consistently criticized the NRA and told us we should give Obama what he wanted and try to win back some of our lost Constitutional Right later. There is ample proof that Obama has done everything he can to infringe upon the rights of law abiding gun owners, and he has started again after the shooting of 9 people by a mentally ill drug abuser in South Carolina.

This is a good time to call, write, or e-mail your elected representatives to remind them that you do not want your rights taken away due to the actions of a madman or a president with a proven anti-gun agenda.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.