
Dont you remember when Herman Cain got embarrassed over this very same argument? Google it if you care to learn the truth, which is a lot more nuanced. Youre making the same mistakes he did.

Anyone is free to believe whatever they want but this line of attack on Planned Parenthood has been debunked over-and-over again. Youre being bamboozled by historical revisionism from the crazy fringe of the pro-life movement. This whole black genocide movement is fabricated bullshit that borders on zealotry. Regardless of what your opinions on abortion, dont fall for it.

Riddle me this, why would MLK praise Sanger?

There is a striking kinship between our movement and Margaret Sangers early efforts. Our sure beginning in struggle for equality by nonviolent direct action may not have been so resolute without the tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her."

I do not want to join the abortion debate because I dont much care if it is legal or illegal. Men have zero reproductive rights either way. I will never give the pro-choice side any support because the same people will want to take away my guns. That said, Im offended when religious zealots lie to us in the name of God. At the very least they are guilty of bearing false witness.

I dont blame you for being hoodwinked by the propaganda. I used to believe the same things you, Jim, and Mike do.