King Brown must be losing his mind... what's left of it anyway... trying to come up with a clever cover to excuse Hillary's support of a racist. But he also never came up with anything good to cover the extreme racist statements of Lyndon Johnson, Robert Byrd, and many other leading Democrat racists. Neither have any of the other Misfires Libtards. But I'm glad to see you keep asking the question Jim.

Or maybe King dated Margaret Sanger like he dated Jackie Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Gentlemen never talk. That's a good reason to never date girls who work in banks... they're all tellers.

RyanF says Margaret Sanger's views were once commonplace and widely accepted, yet she went to great lengths to conceal those views. Why? He also tells us that her organization which became Planned Parenthood did not perform abortions when she was alive. There is a very good reason for that.

Abortion was illegal and she would have been put in prison for turning the murder of fetuses into a profitable business.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.