
Ford Motor Company makes cars. Their is no evidence that those cars kill Jews at a higher per capita rate than it kills gentiles. And there is much evidence that Ford Motor Company goes to some significant effort not to kill anybody.

The German Nazis had much admiration of the eugenics movement in America. As a matter of fact, Adolph Hitler described his planned eugenics program in "Mein Kamp" and then sent a nice thank you note to one of Margaret Sanger's allies. In that note he acknowledged the he had essentially copied that Sanger cohort's eugenics arguments and plan. Adolph Hitler then went on to euthanize millions selected for wholesale slaughter because of their race.

Margaret Sanger set out to institute a plan to prune back the population of Black citizens in America because she believed they were inferior, "weeds in garden" so to speak. She formed the organization that eventually became Planned Parenthood. While she was building her movement she noted the importance of not letting the general Black population know that her purpose was to lower the percentage of Black citizens. And Planned Parenthood has done a pretty good secret of keeping that information from today's Black citizens. After Sanger's death, Planned Parenthood, like Hitler, added abortion to their eugenics tool bag. Planned Parenthood now aborts Black babies at 700% of the per capita rate that it aborts White babies accomplishing the end that Ms. Sanger had in mind when she started this hateful, racist, immoral endeavor.

But Hillary did praise an actual racist, Margaret Sanger. And Hillary was accepting an award from an organization that is Ms. Sanger's brainchild, an organization that carries out Ms. Sanger's vision of keeping Black reproduction rates down. With her statement Ms. Clinton embraced Margaret Sanger's racism and that child of Sanger's racism, Planned Parenthood.

So you didn't like my Jeb Bush / Fritz Kuhn allegory. OK, how about this one:

Eric Rudin was Hitler's eugenic theorist (before the holocaust) and then the director of Nazi Germany's eugenic bureaucracy. Margaret Sanger published Rudin's work on Eugenics in her periodical (before the holocaust). Suppose we find out Jeb Bush had said today "I admire Eric Rudin enormously, his courage, his tenacity, his vision..." while Bush was accepting an award from the American Nazi Party. I had to use the American Nazi Party in my parable because I can't have Jeb Bush accepting the award from the German Nazi Party since they are no longer extant. But Margaret Sanger's ideological child, Planned Parenthood, is still going strong, carrying out her racist plan to reduce the population of Black citizens. And Ms. Clinton publicly embraced both Sanger and Planned Parenthood.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 06/12/15 06:07 PM.

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