Originally Posted By: RyanF
....Can a conservative praise a dead Nazi? Absoultly....

....the religious right, they demonize Sanger only because she founded Planned Parenthood....

....If someone finds abortion repugnant then go ahead and try to make it illegal again. I stand up to pee so it makes no difference to me. But, dont bull shit me with cherry picked facts....

No, absolutely not, can a political or youtube viral conservative praise any nazi or be caught doing so in what they thought was private.

Asked before, and maybe cut through the bs, the point is about the candidate of today not the historical figure. Does it matter, to some yes, to some no. I think it should matter to you, not because anyone is trying to change your mind, but because some will turn a blind eye to the candidate's character, and that should matter for her credibility to do the entire job. She'll enhance all the abortion you want, is that enough for you.