The Sanger quote was a clever video/audio forgery effort by Democratic primary opponents of Hillary to link her with Margaret Sanger. The idea was created when Bill Clinton was overheard to say MargaretId bang her and it went from there. This is not the first time something like this has happened in politics. Governor Reagan in his first presidential campaign was quoted as saying that he knew Thomas Jefferson and his opponent was no Thomas Jefferson. What he actually said was that he knew George Jefferson and his opponent was no George Jefferson. Carters attempted dirty trick backfired on him which was perpetrated in an effort to mislead stupid voters that Reagan couldnt have known Thomas Jefferson as he (Jefferson) had been dead for 200 years or that Reagan was two centuries old and was a golfing buddy with a known slaveholder. What Carter didnt count on was that the altered remark appeared to make Reagan personable with a great sense of humor. George and Louise (Weez) Jefferson, both filled to the brim with Sub Saharan African DNA, owned a dry cleaning operation on the Eastside of NYC and Reagan later offered them as examples at his State of the Union speech as folks moving on up.
RyanF, stop picking on Jim. He thinks he is the de facto owner of Misfires by adverse possession as evidenced by his never ending spawning of threads. Despite requests to Dave, the name will remain Misfires and not Jims Campfire or ItalianSS's One Way Street. Be more respectful of him because he is sensitive to criticism and stop peeing on his campfire or going the wrong way in traffic. Gil