Originally Posted By: Ken61
Intelligence is spread throughout Humanity, with variations of it being similar within populations.

The key word here is "similar"... which does not mean identical.

All humans have similar skulls with identifiable differences between the races. Blood can sometimes be transfused without rejection. Caucasians can successfully breed with Asians who can breed with Black Africans. In spite of 60-80,000 years of divergent evolution, there are still way more similarities than differences because 60-80,000 is a mere blink of an eye. If the entire human race was indeed reduced to only a few thousand breeding pairs by Toba, even that small number, along with divergent evolution, could absolutely explain the measurable difference in AVERAGE intelligence between the races. Smaller numbers than that are routinely used to provide statistically significant results with breeding experiments using anything from fruit flies to mice in Genetics experiments. Mendel and Darwin didn't use millions or billions of samples to prove their hypothesis'. This argument about intelligence between the races seems to disappear when you get back to a time where we don't really know the color of ancient man. There is no controversy or disagreement that there were much more significant differences and jumps in early man's INHERITED intelligence when you go back 500,00 or even 2 million years ago.

You just do not see any San Bushmen from Australia in the medical or technical fields. Not saying it isn't at all possible, but that sub-race has the lowest average I.Q. in the world closely followed by African Pygmies. Here's another good article for Mike:


Over the years while reading the old books of many of the famous White Hunters like Sir Samuel Baker and W.D.M. Bell, I noticed the authors often commented on the characteristics of the different tribes they encountered as they trekked all over Africa. They noted that some tribes such as primitive pygmies were suited for only the most simple tasks, others best suited for porters who could carry heavy loads of ivory and supplies for days with little food or water, while others were as quick witted as any Englishman an most suited for tracking and ambushing game. Even if there were not so many tribes and cultures in Africa, it would be difficult to generalize. We do know there was a bit of natural selection going on when some were able to be captured by smarter or stronger others and sold into slavery and exported.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.