Originally Posted By: SKB
Who said I did not go to college? Or leave a lucrative career in a highly technical field before I decided to become a gunsmith? Good thing you don't assume to know the full story Craig....

....A parent getting a child ready for the world through teaching the child to value education would be an excellent place to start in my view....

....Just when I thought I could count on you......

Well Steve, thanks for being reliable. I honestly can't tell you who typed you didn't go to college, but I can tell you that it wasn't me, eh. I typed only what I read from a post of yours, 1)you decided not to take a college prep high school class, and 2) you did something else, as I remember it, commercial fishing. Can I assume I'm right?

Agreed, a parent that values and teaches to value education can be an excellent place to start, but it's not the only place to start. If I want a box of ducky loads from the corner store, I want to buy it from the kid who's saving up for college, not a neurosurgeon who can't find other work. If I have a plumbing problem, I want a proctologist, not an art major, or maybe I needed a plumber, that I promise I won't assume that gender neutral plumber did not go to college.

My opinion alone, not everyone is lower school or college material, but that doesn't mean there's the slightest bit of a problem. I do not want that kid to be forcefed a high dollar easy to get student loan, or 'free' community college. Is it discriminatory to require a college degree to sell pot in CO?