Suppose there are two identical twins, Black, put up for adoption at birth.

One child is adopted by a Black couple who name him John. The father teaches physics at the local university. The mother teaches English at the local high school. From the beginning the child is read to, taken to museums, church, and family get togethers. John's parents go over his homework and tests each evening after school.

The other child is taken back by the birth mother. Call him Bill. Bill is put in front of the television when he can first sit up. Nobody reads to Bill. Nobody pays much attention to him. Nobody pays any attention to Bill's school work. Nobody pays any attention to his school attendance.

Suppose when they are 18 we give them an IQ test. I predict John will score higher on the IQ test. The culture you are raised in matters in how intelligent you are. But it doesn't mean that the IQ test is culturally biased.

The article you linked to doesn't say the IQ test is culturally biased. It does say the culture you were raised in affects your score. Bill was raised in a culture that didn't value academic achievement. His score was lower than John's. Perhaps Bill was better at rolling a joint or playing basketball or dancing. But that kind of intelligence doesn't help his earnings or his score on the IQ test. But that doesn't reflect cultural bias on the IQ test. Nor does it mean that the fact that the average White outearns the average Black is a consequence of racism.

Again, no liberal debaters stepping up to defend Planned Parenthood or Hillary's endorsement of it and Margaret Sanger? Which would actually be on topic.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 06/08/15 02:43 PM.

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