Ok,ok. You guys have convinced me.
Bush et.al. didn't mislead in any way. The invasion of Iraq was a good and necessary thing. It had nothing to do with oil or permanent bases in Iraq. Al Queda was in cahoots with Sadam. There were WMDs. (They were just hidden/deported right before the war.) Most of the world supported the invasion. More dead American boys and girls in the war is necessary for a safe America and a free Iraq. Let's "stay the course" and not "cut and run."
Now could someone please inform me the following:
What side we are fighting for and against in Iraq and why? If we are going to "win" this war, does someone know what that winning goal is or what it means? How will we know when we have "won?" Jake

Last edited by Jakearoo; 05/21/07 09:33 PM.

R. Craig Clark