Well, it looks like Caitlyn SKB thinks that if he keeps repeating the lie that Jim is a racist, it will eventually stick. He hasn't produced any evidence except his own biased opinion. Of course, we've all seen King Brown and other Libtards employ the same method for years. But they all dishonestly pretend to ignore the racism of many leading Democrats even when they have it shoved right under their noses. SKB will be tarring Jim with this lie for years, but you can bet your ass he will be voting for for the anti-gun Democrat Hillary despite her admiration for Margaret Sanger.

This is what I find so loathsome about most Liberal Leftists. You cannot really debate them and you will never change their minds with the truth. All you can and should do is point out their many lies. You also cannot let them dance away from it, as King Brown developed into an art form over the years. Anything else is a waste of time.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.