But why on this thread? If you felt Jim needed to be called out on racism why not just do it on the offending thread? The way you and King did it made it look like you were unable to dispute his arguments or his facts so you disputed his character.

Well, you have disavowed Clinton and Sanger.

How about Planned Parenthood and its disproportionate impact on Blacks? Blacks have abortions at a rate of about seven times non-Latino Whites you know.

What is your opinion about the disproportionate impact the poor Latino illegal aliens have on our poor Black citizens? Do you find it ironic that the Democratic Party plots and manipulates to amnestize those illegal immigrants when the poor Black citizen Democrats have such a high unemployment rate?

Racist is as racist does.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 06/07/15 10:08 AM.

I am glad to be here.