Originally Posted By: King Brown
No diversion intended. You asked " Is there a viable counter argument for the corporate welfare mantra?" I replied it's an accepted part of our system. Members say the US is being run by a left-wing radical. He's a centre, slightly left politician who does money's bidding as all the others....

Okay, okay, I see your point. The corporate welfare mantra is an accepted part of our system. A mythical sledge hammer of sorts, ready to crush white male politicians who're labeled to be slightly right of center.

We need another joke thread to lighten things up. Yesterday, did you see the one about the president that hunched over a podium holding one hand over the other. He sez, six years ago here's china, with the other hand he sez, here's the US just a bit above and the russians above the US. Then, smart heads come together and come up with the talking point catch word....reengage.

Punchline, the US sling shots to way up here, I was waiting for him to get up on his tippy toes and stretch his hand way over his head. Yup, I know, off topic, but I spotted a few public union women staffers in the background that still don't have pay equity.