Originally Posted By: ed good
king: if you ignore this mole, maybe it will go dig elsewhere?

So you think this is getting old ed? Tough shit. It's going to get a lot older.

I decided that you closet anti-2nd Amendment guys are not going to get away with pretending to be on the side of gun rights and the RKBA anymore, while at the same time working to undermine those rights. And I meant it. King Brown thought I would get tired of it if he pretended to ignore me. When I set my mind to something, I never get tired.

When I get some free time, I plan to go through this thread and your own thread of anti 2nd-Amendment quotes, and condense all of yours and King Brown's anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti Second Amendment statements into a few short pages so that others don't have to sift through many pages of unrelated and off-topic posts to see them all.

You both can lie and deny all you want. Your own anti-gun words are right here to show how dishonest you both are. When the time comes, I think a link to your anti-gun words in the "Silent Doubles" forum would be an appropriate memorial tribute. Then we can all drink a toast to both of you with some of King's award winning wine... which is actually made by someone else. "Once a fraud, always a fraud! Na Zdorovie!"

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.