Originally Posted By: King Brown
Get US troops out of there and send in a multinational force---you name it, from a rejigged NATO or UN---to end sectarian violence. The West must see the need to buy into it.

"Send in"?!! Who's going to "send" whom into a guaranteed disaster? Get real, King. Your vaunted UN was unwilling to go into Iraq before it imploded - they skedaddled at the first sign of danger, and they sure as he[[ won't go back now. Bush's mythical "coalition" - a.k.a. "America and the Seven Dwarfs" - is dissolving as we speak. Your imaginary "multinational force" won't materialize. The UN can't even get its act together in Darfur, much less in Iraq.

We've stuck ourselves to this Iraq tar baby, our friends aren't dumb enough to take hold, and our critics are enjoying the spectacle - including no little schadenfreude from our neighbors to the north.

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