Buzz, the Proof House has been in existance for hundreds of years, 200 in the case of the Birmingham one. The Government wouldn't have altered the rules; that would have been the Guardians of the Proof House who represent the gun trade. It is protected by an Act of Parliament though but they advise on the matter. As such either the Police or the Proof House could take someone to court. If the offence came to the light of the Police then they would refer it to the Proof House as they good give expert evidence. Our legal system is a bit different to yours and allsorts of bodies can initiate a court case. As I say it matters not one jot if I use or own a gun that is out of Proof just an offence to sell it or offer it for sale. Protects me and the buyer. Most of Europe copied the idea. It sets a standard instead of relying on pure luck.

Told you it would stir up the hornet's nest again. Lagopus.....