Originally Posted By: Shotgunjones
....As far consumer choice vs. tax... one cannot avoid purchasing the necessities of life, and all industries have employees. I don't have to buy a Cadillac, but I do need to eat and pay for shelter....

....Separation of church and state is also important to me....

....Some values of the far right I do not share....

Sgjones, all your medical cost considerations could be fixed for free by legislation and sound regulation rather than legitimizing redistribution.

The problem with all your explanations as I see it is, it doesn't come down to whining about cost, hoops to jump through, tax-n-spending and on and on. The problem is, fixing the problem of the uninsured citizens has not been addressed, and you don't seem willing to admit it. You say, it's here to stay and we have to unbotch it, I don't think even scratches the surface of promise rhetoric.

Also, look at your 'basic' needs. It looks like you don't need a Cadillac, but apparently we do 'need' a car? Just like food and shelter, is the gore mansion and caviar covered under 'needs'.

Mostly, I was curious to ask. Apparently, separation of church-n-state is an area that you can count on the left to preserve. When exactly have you noticed a right wing elected official at any level, attempt to start or advocate for state sponsored 'religion'. Do you think we might keep mandatory work place mecca prayer breaks, airport handwash stations, and direct access by cair to this wh, to a minimum. Or, that type of religious integration is pc okay.

By the way, I hope your wife is doing well, and I'm glad that your scenario doesn't rely on ocare like it seemed to at one time.